Thursday, May 3, 2007


Muslimah Ideal?! Apa itu Muslimah Ideal? Nak tahu ciri-ciri Muslimah Ideal? Klik pada link di bawah...

She is proud of the great position that Islam has given her among humanity. She performs her duties knowing that her role is clearly defined and that her rights are still, even today, greater than any other ideology has provided. She is a woman of moral excellence, true to her nature, not confused by alien and morally bankrupt ideas... She preserves her self-respect and dignity through her piety in obedience to Allah (subhaanahu wa Ta'ala) and His Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). She is the role model that every true believer hopes to emulate.

Book Title: The Ideal Muslimah

Review: The true Islamic Personality of the Muslim woman as Defined in the Qur'an and Sunnah

Author: Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi

Publisher: International Islamic Publisher House

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