Dear sisters,
Rejab, one of the holiest month in Islam is coming to its end..
Have we optimize the days in this month by performing ibadah sunnah?
Have we fulfill the days by doing good deeds continuously?
Have we utilize the days to perform our munajat and communicate to Allah?
I'm sure most of you won't forget
And won't ever miss the opportunity to meet Rejab once in a year
If we accidentally forget it
We still have 3 days left..
And most important of all the days is on 27th Rejab
Where the Isra' Mikraj event took place
Where Rasulullah was taken to the land above the sky
To meet His Creator
And see some of His wondrous creations along the way.
Hence, my beloved sisters,
Seize the day!
Embrace this month before it comes to the end
For we will never know
Whether we would or we won't meet this month again.
Lots of love, Nisa' Wilayah Persekutuan